December 2022 Epic Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On December 17, 2022 the following changes will made to the Epic integration:(1) Group Visit ID Added to Notification Records The group visit ID that is provided to the integration during group video visit launches will now be available intimestamp1667086828008
November 2022 Cerner Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On November 5, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Cerner integration: Webhook Notifications Notifications can now be generated from the integration when the following actions occur: Practitioner joined video visit meetingtimestamp1666993404050
November 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On November 5, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:(1) New default Zoom app private key (Zoom Use Only for now) Zoom is in the process of simplifying the integration setup and will be introducing a defaulttimestamp1663620990604
September 2022 Cerner Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On September 17, 2022 the following changes were made to the Cerner integration:(1) Group video visits The integration now supports group video visits. Each patient of the group appointment will receive an individual confirmation emailtimestamp1663617646967
September 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On September 17, 2022 the following change were made to the Epic FHIR integration: Launch issue when provider doesn’t have a SER ID Previously in some scenarios when a provider doesn’t have a SER ID, the provider is not able launch a videotimestamp1663617119682
September 2022 Epic Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On September 17, 2022 the following change were made to the Epic integration: Notification records stored for 7 days Previously notifications viewable in the Epic configuration page were only available for 2 days after the end of the videotimestamp1663193151451
August 2022 Microsoft Teams Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
The following Microsoft Teams integration changes were deployed on August 27, 2022: Enhancements to “Start a Meeting” from the Zoom Bot Meetings Tab and Zoom Message Extension: Previously the process for starting a meeting was to click thetimestamp1661966264278
Aug 2022 LTI Integration Updates
by Sathiya Panneer
The Aug features for LTI Pro are available as of Aug 27, 2022. This release contains the following enhancements. New and Enhanced Features Group mapping for students- Allow for students to utilize automatic grouping in conjunction with thetimestamp1661646066757
August 2022 Cerner Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On August 27, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Cerner integration:(1) Complete appointment status added to Zoom Smart Launch app A new button is added to the Zoom Smart Launch app that providers can use to set the Cerner