Copyright © Zoom-Built Apps Changelog Apps Changelog Updateswww.zoom.us, 30 Jan 2023 22:10:32 GMT, 30 Jan 2023 20:48:31 (Eddie Soliman)Epic FHIR Update to No Longer Use JWT's Epic FHIR integration uses JWT to authorize Zoom API calls when launching Zoom Room video visits. Because JWT will no longer be supported on June 1, 2023, the integration has been enhanced to replace JWT with OAuth. If you previously...Zoom's Epic FHIR integration uses JWT to authorize Zoom API calls when launching Zoom Room video visits. Because JWT will no longer be supported on June 1, 2023, the integration has been enhanced to replace JWT with OAuth. If you previously installed the Epic FHIR integration, please "update" the app prior to the JWT end-of-support deadline. From the Epic FHIR listing on the Zoom Marketplace, click the Update button and authorize the additional scopes when prompted.

Note: The “Zoom API Key” and “Zoom API Secret” fields should not be removed from the configuration.

4s70O4hbCap4YmunDo1zWed, 04 Jan 2023 23:19:10 (Eddie Soliman)January 2023 Epic FHIR Integration Changes January 8, 2023 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration: (1) Basic auth for customer network authorization Customers wanting to validate messages from the Epic FHIR integration at their gateway/firewall before...On January 8, 2023 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:

(1) Basic auth for customer network authorization

Customers wanting to validate messages from the Epic FHIR integration at their gateway/firewall before passing them into their network can now set up a custom basic auth header in the configuration page. Once enabled and set up, all messages from the Epic FHIR integration will carry a basic auth token using a customer defined header name

Structure of the header :

custom-header-name : Basic base64(username:password)

(2) Use logged-in user for video visit meeting

Currently when a provider launches a video visit, a “custCreate” user is created and used to start the video visit meeting. A new option is now available that would allow the provider to use their already existing Zoom user for the video visit. When enabled, providers will be required to be logged in to Once the user is already logged in, they will not be asked to login again. “custCreate” users will no longer be created for provider video visits.

To enable this feature, a new provider launch endpoint /epicfhir/providerlaunchwithlogin is now supported. Customers must configure this new endpoint into their Epic FDI records used for provider launches instead of using the previous endpoint …/epicfhir/providerlaunch.

tnt1Rzomeu4ULxgCVVviTue, 13 Dec 2022 21:13:25 (Eddie Soliman)December 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes December 17, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration: Separate OAuth Authorization and Token Base URL Configuration Currently you can only configure an “Epic OAuth Base URL” that the integration uses when...On December 17, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:

Separate OAuth Authorization and Token Base URL Configuration

Currently you can only configure an “Epic OAuth Base URL” that the integration uses when getting OAuth authorization and OAuth tokens. This is a limitation for some customers that require different network/security settings for the authorization and token endpoints (e.g. when using an upcoming Mutual TLS feature). You can now configure separate OAuth Base URLs by enabling a new “Separate Auth/Tokens URLs” toggle on the integration configuration page:

OPiS0U4gEpL6R5ZCLCGvFri, 28 Oct 2022 21:43:24 (Eddie Soliman)November 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes November 5, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:(1) New default Zoom app private key (Zoom Use Only for now) Zoom is in the process of simplifying the integration setup and will be introducing a default...On November 5, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:

(1) New default Zoom app private key (Zoom Use Only for now)

Zoom is in the process of simplifying the integration setup and will be introducing a default auto-generated Zoom App private key. By using this default key, admins will no longer need to configure the private key themselves nor send the corresponding public key to Epic. Zoom is currently in the process of validating this feature with Epic. Customers should not yet use this feature.


(2) Non-admin access to notification records

The integration configuration will have a new ‘Healthcare Staff’ tab that admins can use to grant access to staff members so they can view the Epic FHIR notification records. Access is granted by configuring the staff member’s Zoom user email (users must be a Zoom user to access the notification records).

Granted staff members can use the link they receive via email to access the notification records which is used to view video visit meeting information. Staff members do not need to install the Epic FHIR app.

From the ‘Healthcare Staff’ tab, admins can delete users to revoke their access to the notifications records.

oTpzpux8nbsyU7qmckx2Mon, 19 Sep 2022 20:00:46 (Eddie Soliman)September 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes September 17, 2022 the following change were made to the Epic FHIR integration: Launch issue when provider doesn’t have a SER ID Previously in some scenarios when a provider doesn’t have a SER ID, the provider is not able launch a video...On September 17, 2022 the following change were made to the Epic FHIR integration:

Launch issue when provider doesn’t have a SER ID

Previously in some scenarios when a provider doesn’t have a SER ID, the provider is not able launch a video visit. This has been fixed in this release.

cxrJp9aEL3vQbXjjXl19Sat, 27 Aug 2022 23:53:40 (Eddie Soliman)August 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes August 27, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration: Customizable Join Meeting Page Admins can now configure a custom message and logo for their patients to see when they join and wait for their provider in a...On August 27, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:

Customizable Join Meeting Page

Admins can now configure a custom message and logo for their patients to see when they join and wait for their provider in a virtual visit. Patients can see this custom configured message/logo in the initial Zoom meeting web page when the video visit is launched.

Ggne6a84za6Rr3OZ8y2rSun, 24 Jul 2022 00:00:00 (Eddie Soliman)July 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes July 25, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration: Issue using the same ID with different Provider ID types Previously, if provider A’s “provider ID” is the same as provider B’s “employee ID” (and provider B...On July 25, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:

Issue using the same ID with different Provider ID types

Previously, if provider A’s “provider ID” is the same as provider B’s “employee ID” (and provider B doesn’t have a provider ID), the name displayed in the video visit meeting for Provider B will incorrectly use Provider A's name.

This issue is now fixed by the integration utilizing a prefix when creating Zoom users for providers identified by employee ID. For example:

  • For provider A (provider ID = abc), Zoom user email will be: abc…

  • For provider B (no provider ID, employee ID = abc), Zoom user email would be: EMP_abc…

mPV5k8mUdJzh0lbhrzWyWed, 15 Jun 2022 19:51:00 (Eddie Soliman)June 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes June 25, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:(1) Meeting information records retrieved by CSN Users can now retrieve data in the Meeting Information page for meetings that are up to 7 days old (rather...On June 25, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:

(1) Meeting information records retrieved by CSN

Users can now retrieve data in the Meeting Information page for meetings that are up to 7 days old (rather than just 48 hours) by entering either a CSN or a meeting number. Previously, the 7-day timeframe was only supported when entering a meeting number.

(2) Enhanced connection status reporting

The Epic FHIR configuration page now includes a switch called “Enable Enhanced Notifications”, which can be toggled to “On” to more reliably report patient and provider connection status to Epic. Please note you must “Update” the Epic FHIR app in Marketplace before enabling this feature.

(3) Duplicate provider Zoom accounts

Currently when a provider with a provider ID (e.g. SER ID) has a video visit, 2 Zoom user accounts get created for that provider. This issue is now addressed but it requires that both the provider’s EMP ID and provider ID is passed to the integration when the provider launches the video visit. This enhancement allows providers with a provider ID (e.g. physicians) and without a provider ID (e.g. medical assistant) to properly host virtual visit meetings.

To enable providers with a provider ID to pass EMP ID and provider ID, a new provider launch parameter (epicProviderId) is added to pass provider ID. An example FDI record context string to pass these IDs is shown below:


The new epicProviderId is optional and it is not required to be passed for providers without a provider ID.

WEzjFmuDt8KUuhzsH7OzTue, 22 Mar 2022 22:42:43 GMTEddie SolimanMarch 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes 3/26/2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration: Fix different meeting ID issue for the same video visit When a video visit ends and is restarted, a different Zoom meeting ID is used even though it is for the...On 3/26/2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:

Fix different meeting ID issue for the same video visit

When a video visit ends and is restarted, a different Zoom meeting ID is used even though it is for the same video visit (same CSN). This issue has been resolved such that the same Zoom meeting ID is always used whenever the same video visit is started.

rkFmfVbV65k7gol288eYFri, 04 Feb 2022 23:59:00 GMTEddie SolimanFebruary 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes 3/4/2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:(1) Support different types of Epic provider IDs During patient and provider launches,  the "encounter provider ID” and “user ID” can now be different types....On 3/4/2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:

(1) Support different types of Epic provider IDs

During patient and provider launches,  the "encounter provider ID” and “user ID” can now be different types. Healthcare customers can use provider ID types other than a “SER” ID. Admins can specify the provider ID type within their Epic configuration (FDI record). If nothing is specified, the  default value for "SER" will be used.

(2) Fixed issue of incorrect device test results

Previously when the device test procedure detected a camera or microphone failure, incorrect test results were passed to Epic. This issue is now resolved.

(3) Fixed issue of error message not getting cleared

When the invalid API key/secret error message is displayed in the configuration page, the error does not get cleared when valid API key/secret values are entered. This issue is now resolved.
