urn:noticeable:projects:elk4BhKJWeeO6LZwhcMHZoom-Built Apps Changelog Updateswww.zoom.us2022-12-12T02:21:48.534ZCopyright © Zoom-Built Apps ChangelogNoticeable#1e88e5urn:noticeable:publications:VL4Wd6OHw1Tf5OdMDqb82022-12-12T02:21:44.382Z2022-12-12T02:21:48.534ZDecember 2022 Epic Integration ChangesOn December 17, 2022 the following changes will made to the Epic integration:(1) Group Visit ID Added to Notification Records The group visit ID that is provided to the integration during group video visit launches will now be available in...<p>On December 17, 2022 the following changes will made to the Epic integration:</p><p><strong>(1) Group Visit ID Added to Notification Records</strong></p><p>The group visit ID that is provided to the integration during group video visit launches will now be available in the Epic integration "Notification Records" tab.</p><p></p><figure><img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/FoOLgrIhnwmrJhevlRdER5o3iPOn9GcTmOxt-_2ChGR2BaEtNTNp3a4qTr6469m7px3oUxQO7lKHAGTB9os2Riz6aNerm2_XnRCBriy2WCQENeGFNvbHaQA7QKaLyHdIXG7gqitlWog72AIh9bP-cgCGpE4MDpFgMTBAg1qWTAFk-5THIK-s9GxaSyNzsg" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p><p><strong>(2) Resiliency when installation user has permissions reduced</strong></p><p>The integration obtains an OAuth token when the integration is installed and authorized by an admin user. If that user has their roles reduced, is deactivated, or is removed from the account, the integration will not work properly. Enhancements will made to address these situations but it requires that multiple admin users install the integration from Marketplace. When the integration detects an issue with the OAuth token it is actively using, it will automatically switch to using the OAuth token of another user. In addition, it will send an email to the configured email address to provide notification of the situation so that action can be taken.</p><p>A new “Account Alerts Delivery Email” field is added to the Epic app configuration page. Configure the email address to receive notification when an issue is detected:</p><p></p><figure><img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/AnJQfz-X0oq-v-agIIf2sat-AloUAbdEUfvb8oq5y4xhOPHrHXUFb9Jyn5BrukBUOC5mMTeK2L10NKb5ppEnjb0B9CZ6OqnThoQaQ6M_yOdxBvjtOZUIaeU7mX6wlBjiVRHjVrxyLcPKc4EpkKgVPxMDEA5M885_2sRyta3gsaHslPAwtKItXu_woT2PSg" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p><p>Below is an example email sent when the integration detects an admin user has been downgraded or deactivated:</p><p></p><figure><img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/qIjuoKI6uWIlnUDDkcVzWHrzoMKwKX02p5Ls4yWlMBdJOo6e3-Hf1xiR52egWhnzXQCOxaK61lOI_SwPBDdx8EFhtt2XLpKEKS8Yi1M7sLBLdwQ4SQK7B69k0hxzAZ-DKOcEGGFyRKJR3dL8b3kjii1vBBpMi2hq6DeRwlz5pBiVLQW40vjHH7EE0I2xSA" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><br><br>Below is an example email sent when the integration detects an admin user has been deleted from the account:<p></p><p></p><figure><img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/1iw-bCZeUZjn_JLToD3WyrWZppo5kwKG-78MuB5J_W02zrV4yJe7Jo8g0iI_REcZGacBUFPj0M6izKxfylio1hB1Is5yamO11Hzv4Uk-DGfD8pimaV5oVaoZo-soYSZV-_0u6XtFv3vJpiXRVuR_yHYAohjA6JTx0u39V_2sdKMKIhApLqI0s9v2kDZvsw" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p><p></p><p><strong>Note</strong>: To check a user’s role and status, visit the admin’s user management section on the Zoom account portal : <a href="https://zoom.us/account/user?utm_source=noticeable&utm_campaign=elk4bhkjweeo6lzwhcmh.december-2022-epic-integration-changes&utm_content=publication+link&utm_id=elk4BhKJWeeO6LZwhcMH.w4bI4nozhuITNb87vnTm.VL4Wd6OHw1Tf5OdMDqb8&utm_medium=newspage#/" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline">https://zoom.us/account/user#/</span></a></p>Eddie Solimaneddie.soliman@zoom.usurn:noticeable:publications:Bi1sFblx3MyjdcIcXHOz2022-09-19T19:51:59.682Z2022-09-19T20:00:18.930ZSeptember 2022 Epic Integration ChangesOn September 17, 2022 the following change were made to the Epic integration: Notification records stored for 7 days Previously notifications viewable in the Epic configuration page were only available for 2 days after the end of the video...<p>On September 17, 2022 the following change were made to the Epic integration:</p><p><strong>Notification records stored for 7 days</strong></p><p>Previously notifications viewable in the Epic configuration page were only available for 2 days after the end of the video visit. Users can now access notification records 7 days after the visit.</p><p><strong>Patients always use Zoom browser client</strong><br><br>Admins can now change the patient's way to join video visit meetings in the configuration page. Once it is enabled, patients will always use the browser client when launching the meeting, regardless if they have a desktop or mobile Zoom client installed.</p><p></p><figure><img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ctvx27DHUgzQSsZYFjb-R3AY8j-KT-oLN27pJmtwo17VZGcQq1Ld068gQunzAZDG5uD5Q6wkXlc8bINfFwXS63Dr36mJSdG3F02z3V3hdqP2Suhf9ZDeTIAmlEl2M12RwW8cxK26ViRoMgNYdwdQW9PNvxDG2-3L3ueKZt4wzvnVzJQcUpW8MWXH_A" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p>Eddie Solimaneddie.soliman@zoom.usurn:noticeable:publications:JCNsDXk6IJBSoPWwWlci2022-05-26T20:42:50.602Z2022-05-26T22:16:28.023ZMay 2022 Epic Integration ChangesOn May 28, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic integration: Support for Group Video Visits Group video visits are now supported using Epic’s group video visit feature. A new “groupVisitId” parameter (defined in Epic FDI...<p>On May 28, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic integration:</p><p><strong>Support for Group Video Visits</strong></p><p>Group video visits are now supported using Epic’s group video visit feature. A new “groupVisitId” parameter (defined in Epic FDI record) is required to be passed when patients and providers launch their video visit. The value of the groupVisitId parameter must be the same for all patients and providers in the same group meeting.</p><p>Please note the minimum Epic version required is the Feb 2022 release.</p>Eddie Solimanurn:noticeable:publications:TGbGk5hZ4eHOFYajk7nb2022-04-27T23:30:00Z2022-04-27T23:33:28.557ZApril 2022 Epic Integration ChangesOn April 30, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic integration:(1) Issue sending disconnect notification For the following use case, the “disconnect” connection status notification is not sent to Epic for the patient when the...<p>On April 30, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic integration:</p><p><strong>(1) Issue sending disconnect notification</strong></p><p>For the following use case, the “disconnect” connection status notification is not sent to Epic for the patient when the meeting ends.</p><ol><li><p>Patient launches into the video visit and then drops before the provider joins</p></li><li><p>Provider launches into the video visit </p></li><li><p>Patient joins the video visit again and goes into the waiting room</p></li><li><p>Provider leaves the meeting (patient still in waiting room)</p></li><li><p>Provider joins the video visit again and meets with the patient</p></li><li><p>Meeting ends</p></li></ol><p>This issue is now fixed.</p><p><strong>(2) Enhanced connection status reporting</strong></p><p>This release introduces an enhanced mechanism to more reliably report patient and provider connection status to Epic. This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled from the Epic integration configuration page. Please note you must “Update” the <a href="https://marketplace.zoom.us/apps/iDBfG3vAQhWONzd_ppLy9g?utm_source=noticeable&utm_campaign=elk4bhkjweeo6lzwhcmh.untitled&utm_content=publication+link&utm_id=elk4BhKJWeeO6LZwhcMH.w4bI4nozhuITNb87vnTm.TGbGk5hZ4eHOFYajk7nb&utm_medium=newspage" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">Epic app</a> in Marketplace before enabling this feature.</p><p></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/elk4BhKJWeeO6LZwhcMH/publications/TGbGk5hZ4eHOFYajk7nb/01h55ta3gs29egbznbv2ph4hzy-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p><p></p><p></p>Eddie Solimanurn:noticeable:publications:BtdaDlBwbx4Cy3DkxfRP2022-02-05T00:04:00Z2022-03-22T23:08:00.139ZFebruary 2022 Epic Integration ChangesOn 3/4/2022 the following change will be made to the Epic integration: Customization of Patient’s Zoom Meeting web page Admins can now configure a custom message for their patients to see when they join and wait for their provider in a...<p>On 3/4/2022 the following change will be made to the Epic integration:</p><p><strong>Customization of Patient’s Zoom Meeting web page </strong></p><p>Admins can now configure a custom message for their patients to see when they join and wait for their provider in a virtual visit. Patients can see this custom configured message in the initial Zoom meeting web page when the video visit is launched.</p>Eddie Solimanurn:noticeable:publications:R4o15XfQHvRfiGmpkZWf2022-01-19T18:29:41.455Z2022-01-19T18:32:46.307ZJanuary 2022 Epic Integration ChangesOn 1/22/2022 the following change will be made to the Epic integration:(1) Fixed issue where device test failure reporting is not correct Previously when the device test procedure detected a camera or microphone failure, incorrect test...<p>On 1/22/2022 the following change will be made to the Epic integration:</p><p><strong>(1)</strong> <strong>Fixed issue where device test failure reporting is not correct</strong></p><p>Previously when the device test procedure detected a camera or microphone failure, incorrect test results were passed to Epic. This issue is now resolved.</p>Eddie Solimanurn:noticeable:publications:zXwzr1hHsCvQoePGWWx32021-12-08T18:26:40.419Z2021-12-08T18:41:56.315ZDecember 2021 Epic Integration ChangesOn 12/11/2021 the following change will be made to the Epic integration:(1) Fixed an issue where a patient joining a video visit does not show as connected in Epic When a patient joins and disconnects from a video visit before the provider...<p>On 12/11/2021 the following change will be made to the Epic integration:</p><p><strong>(1)</strong> <strong>Fixed an issue where a patient joining a video visit does not show as connected in Epic</strong></p><p>When a patient joins and disconnects from a video visit before the provider joins, and then joins the visit again, the integration was not properly reporting to Epic that the patient “connected”. This issue has been fixed in the December integrations release.</p>Eddie Solimanurn:noticeable:publications:VumfZsyPr8iXEXoMKruf2021-11-04T17:12:47.808Z2021-11-04T17:18:26.353ZOctober 2021 Epic Integration ChangesOn 11/7/2021 the following change will be made to the integration:(1) Zoom Room video visit meeting name changed Previously, Zoom Room video visits had a display name of “Zoom Video Visit ICU”. This has now been changed to "Zoom Room Video...<p>On 11/7/2021 the following change will be made to the integration:</p><p><strong>(1)</strong> <strong>Zoom Room video visit meeting name changed</strong></p><p>Previously, Zoom Room video visits had a display name of “Zoom Video Visit ICU”. This has now been changed to "Zoom Room Video Visit".</p>Eddie Solimanurn:noticeable:publications:PYzjh8Vuwwe32bs2icr02021-09-22T20:49:17.717Z2021-09-22T21:15:11.010ZSeptember 2021 Epic FHIR Integration ChangesEpic FHIR is a new integration that is currently in beta. Functionally it is similar to the existing Epic integration but with some new features including support for OAuth authorization to Epic and shortened launch URLs to allow them to be...<p>Epic FHIR is a new integration that is currently in beta. Functionally it is similar to the existing Epic integration but with some new features including support for OAuth authorization to Epic and shortened launch URLs to allow them to be sent to patients via SMS.</p><p>On 9/19/2021 the following enhancements were added to the integration:</p><p><strong>(1) Configuration Page Validation for URLs and for API Key and Secret</strong></p><p>The input fields labeled “Epic FHIR R4 Base URL”, “Epic Telehealth Base URL”, “Epic OAuth Base URL”, “Epic Device Test Endpoint URL”, and “Healthcare Provider Device Test Help URL” will include real-time validation to ensure that the entered values are syntactically correct URLs. For example:</p><p></p><figure><img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/vx-XAFBPrCcrYUDyvQOIow7yMICbvK5EMdiY3eMk-OTCpIjWCWD0IFbKAK0Waohk3cilu7_zLwTgRvZpyL3SnbfYq9EQ5QJtJt41zslkSZg8ZqUeODDkpsx5MhJPAWN5Hwlc_Rtq=s0" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure>In addition, when the form is submitted, the API key and secret will be tested for validity. If the key and secret are invalid, the configuration changes will not be saved and an error message will be displayed to the user:<br><p></p><p></p><figure><img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/FF66oTljs8XEVBbzhcmZk0SZ5dmnl-f7q8xGCA37NcB7QOcNrCOWR2q8Yi1OF0VKSLEMEM_MquT_puNH-YTaSiqxYtCn2TL82qU8rNemChdixYUxcn-kCiKz_wEHohFN7KsE9neq=s0" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p><p><strong>(2) Device Test Results Included In Notification Records</strong></p><p>The notification page will include the results of device tests in addition to connect/disconnect events from normal video visits. The table on the page will introduce a new column called “Notification Type” which will be set to “Meeting” for meetings, and “Device Test” for device tests. The column “Connection Status” will be renamed to “Status”, and for device test notifications, the value of this column will be set to either “Passed” or “Failed” depending on if the device test was successful or unsuccessful, respectively.<br></p><p></p><figure><img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/gckRbSNSFvPugkCbWHEF5VOdkOUWsTGIh4iuJdn0cb1PzFdSM7l0igmYVi1XaaRh9I7N6mjK_ZcThhhAFXnBIwSRGgA8M9fvuzivT7_UOC_EKVNmX7ITKHZdCjB3sq2jjq08yL4F=s0" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p><p><strong>(3) Provider Launches Now Support Users that Are Not Epic Practitioners</strong></p><p>When launching a video visit as a provider, users will no longer need to specify “epicProviderId” as a token in the OAuth context. As long as they have an Epic user ID, this will be sufficient to launch the meeting even if they are not listed as a “practitioner” in the Epic database. In addition, users can now omit the “useProviderZoomAccount” token. If they wish to start a meeting using their own Zoom account, they may add a token called “email” and set its value to the email address associated with their account.</p><p><em>epicSessionId=%CSN%&epicUserId=%EPICUSERID;;; ; ;;NONE;%&firstName=%USERFNAME%&lastName=%USERLNAME%&email=<myEmailAddress></em></p><p>If they wish to start a meeting using a Zoom account that is automatically generated, they may simply omit the “email” token.</p><p><em>epicSessionId=%CSN%&epicUserId=%EPICUSERID;;; ; ;;NONE;%&firstName=%USERFNAME%&lastName=%USERLNAME%</em></p><p><br></p>Eddie Solimanurn:noticeable:publications:0h9uioB1AcMcX0kDPUhw2021-09-22T20:18:48.367Z2021-09-22T20:44:17.355Z9/26/2021 Epic Integration Changes The following Epic integration change is planned to be available on 9/26/2021: Fix for missing camera, mic, or speaker incorrectly reported as “success” during a device test When performing the Zoom device test on a device that is missing a...<p>The following Epic integration change is planned to be available on 9/26/2021:</p><p><strong>Fix for missing camera, mic, or speaker incorrectly reported as “success” during a device test</strong></p><p>When performing the Zoom device test on a device that is missing a camera, mic, or speaker, the Epic integration currently reports that missing item as “passed”. The change in this release will be to report missing items as “failed” instead. </p>Eddie Soliman