over 2 years agoAugust 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn August 27, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration: Customizable Join Meeting Page Admins can now configure a custom message and logo for their patients to see when they join and wait for their provider in a
over 2 years agoJuly 2022 LTI Integration Updatesby Sathiya PanneerThe following changes are available in LTI Pro as of 07/25/2022. New Features Three-legged Authentication approach for Schoology API’s Calendar integration for LTI 1.3 in Schoology courses and groups Bug Fix Minor bug fixes on the LTI PRO
over 2 years agoJuly 2022 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn July 25, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Cerner integration:(1) Launch Zoom Smart Launch app from PowerChart MPage Previously the Zoom Smart Launch app could only be launched from PowerChart’s Table of Contents. Now
over 2 years agoJuly 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn July 25, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration: Issue using the same ID with different Provider ID types Previously, if provider A’s “provider ID” is the same as provider B’s “employee ID” (and provider B
over 2 years agoJune 2022 LTI Integration Updatesby Sathiya PanneerThe following changes are available in LTI Pro as of 06/27/2022. New Features Ability to add Zoom Rooms when creating meetings within the LTI and have the meeting appear on the Zoom Room Controller. Display Time-limit reminder to basic plan
almost 3 years agoJune 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn June 25, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:(1) Meeting information records retrieved by CSN Users can now retrieve data in the Meeting Information page for meetings that are up to 7 days old (rather
almost 3 years agoJune 2022 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn June 25, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Cerner integration:(1) Unable to remove the existing logo image in configuration page Previously the button for removing the uploaded file was always disabled, so users could not
almost 3 years agoMay 2022 LTI Integration Updatesby Sathiya PanneerThe following changes are available in LTI Pro as of 05/27/2022. New Features Support for “ Allow host to save video order” option within LMS create meeting. Disable recordings within LTI Pro based on the Zoom web recording settings Added
almost 3 years agoMay 2022 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn May 28, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Cerner integration:(1) Patient email logo fix and enhancements Previously loading a logo image that was the maximum size could not be uploaded. This issue is now fixed. Some