timestamp1638996414511December 2021 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 12/11/2021 the following change will be made to the Cerner integration which is currently in beta: Reminder Patient Emails A reminder email containing video visit launch details can now be sent to patients if enabled in the integration
timestamp1638990180094December 2021 Epic FHIR Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 12/11/2021 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration which is currently in beta:(1) Fixed issue when users launch a video visit while a previous launch is in progress If users attempt to launch a video visit meeting
timestamp1638988000419December 2021 Epic Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 12/11/2021 the following change will be made to the Epic integration:(1) Fixed an issue where a patient joining a video visit does not show as connected in Epic When a patient joins and disconnects from a video visit before the provider
timestamp163701361323811/21/2021 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 11/21/2021 the following change will be made to the Cerner integration which is currently in beta: Support for Cerner test environments Previously the Cerner integration could only be used in production environments. A new configuration
timestamp1636046408119October 2021 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 11/7/2021 the following changes will be made to the Cerner integration which is currently in beta:(1) Bulk register practitioners through file upload Previously the only way to enable practitioners to use the integration was to configure
timestamp1636046310241October 2021 Epic FHIR Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 11/7/2021 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration which is currently in beta:(1) New context token to better support SDK apps When initiating a meeting, users can provide a new token in the OAuth 2.0 context called
timestamp1636045967808October 2021 Epic Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 11/7/2021 the following change will be made to the integration:(1) Zoom Room video visit meeting name changed Previously, Zoom Room video visits had a display name of “Zoom Video Visit ICU”. This has now been changed to "Zoom Room Video
timestamp1632343757717September 2021 Epic FHIR Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanEpic FHIR is a new integration that is currently in beta. Functionally it is similar to the existing Epic integration but with some new features including support for OAuth authorization to Epic and shortened launch URLs to allow them to be
timestamp16323419283679/26/2021 Epic Integration Changes by Eddie SolimanThe following Epic integration change is planned to be available on 9/26/2021: Fix for missing camera, mic, or speaker incorrectly reported as “success” during a device test When performing the Zoom device test on a device that is missing a