about 2 years agoJanuary 2023 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn January 8, 2023 the following changes will be made to the Cerner integration: (1) Template for uploading practitioners Currently it may not be clear how to upload practitioners using a CSV file. A template is now available that you can
over 2 years agoDecember 2022 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn December 17, 2022 the following change will be made to the Cerner integration: Support for multiple video visit appointment codes Currently you can configure at most 1 regular video visit code and 1 group video visit code for
over 2 years agoDecember 2022 Epic Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn December 17, 2022 the following changes will made to the Epic integration:(1) Group Visit ID Added to Notification Records The group visit ID that is provided to the integration during group video visit launches will now be available in
over 2 years agoNovember 2022 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn November 5, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Cerner integration: Webhook Notifications Notifications can now be generated from the integration when the following actions occur: Practitioner joined video visit meeting
over 2 years agoSeptember 2022 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn September 17, 2022 the following changes were made to the Cerner integration:(1) Group video visits The integration now supports group video visits. Each patient of the group appointment will receive an individual confirmation email
over 2 years agoSeptember 2022 Epic Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn September 17, 2022 the following change were made to the Epic integration: Notification records stored for 7 days Previously notifications viewable in the Epic configuration page were only available for 2 days after the end of the video
over 2 years agoAugust 2022 Microsoft Teams Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanThe following Microsoft Teams integration changes were deployed on August 27, 2022: Enhancements to “Start a Meeting” from the Zoom Bot Meetings Tab and Zoom Message Extension: Previously the process for starting a meeting was to click the
over 2 years agoAugust 2022 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn August 27, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Cerner integration:(1) Complete appointment status added to Zoom Smart Launch app A new button is added to the Zoom Smart Launch app that providers can use to set the Cerner