timestamp1654027361337May 2022 LTI Integration Updatesby Sathiya PanneerThe following changes are available in LTI Pro as of 05/27/2022. New Features Support for “ Allow host to save video order” option within LMS create meeting. Disable recordings within LTI Pro based on the Zoom web recording settings Added
timestamp1653599042134May 2022 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn May 28, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Cerner integration:(1) Patient email logo fix and enhancements Previously loading a logo image that was the maximum size could not be uploaded. This issue is now fixed. Some
timestamp1651874460000April 2022 Microsoft Teams Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanThe following Microsoft Teams integration changes were deployed on April 16, 2022: 1. Zoom Message Extension change Previously, “Start a meeting”, “Schedule a meeting “and “Make a call” operations were available when clicking the icon.
timestamp1650060473513April 2022 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn April 23, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Cerner integration: Issue updating appointment links In some situations like when a non-Cerner scheduler is used for scheduling video visit appointments, the Zoom meetings links
timestamp1647989130440March 2022 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 3/26/2022 the following change will be made to the Cerner integration: HIPAA compliance and privacy improvements To address HIPAA compliance and privacy concerns: Emails to patients are now sent through a HIPAA-compliant mail provider -
timestamp1647988963599March 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 3/26/2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration: Fix different meeting ID issue for the same video visit When a video visit ends and is restarted, a different Zoom meeting ID is used even though it is for the
timestamp1646249452129February 2022 LTI Integration Updatesby Sathiya PanneerThe following changes will be available in LTI Pro on 03/05/2022. Schedule meeting to Zoom Room Ability to add Zoom Rooms when creating meetings within the LTI and have the meeting appear on the ZRC - in Beta. This feature is available only
timestamp1644019140000February 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 3/4/2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:(1) Support different types of Epic provider IDs During patient and provider launches, the "encounter provider ID” and “user ID” can now be different types.
timestamp1644018600000February 2022 Cerner Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 3/4/2022 the following change will be made to the Cerner integration:(1) Person ID now used to identify practitioners in practitioner upload file The practitioner upload file format is modified such that the practitioner must be