May 2022 Epic Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On May 28, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic integration: Support for Group Video Visits Group video visits are now supported using Epic’s group video visit feature. A new “groupVisitId” parameter (defined in Epic FDItimestamp1651874460000
April 2022 Microsoft Teams Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
The following Microsoft Teams integration changes were deployed on April 16, 2022: 1. Zoom Message Extension change Previously, “Start a meeting”, “Schedule a meeting “and “Make a call” operations were available when clicking the icon.timestamp1651102200000
April 2022 Epic Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On April 30, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic integration:(1) Issue sending disconnect notification For the following use case, the “disconnect” connection status notification is not sent to Epic for the patient when thetimestamp1644019440000
February 2022 Epic Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On 3/4/2022 the following change will be made to the Epic integration: Customization of Patient’s Zoom Meeting web page Admins can now configure a custom message for their patients to see when they join and wait for their provider in atimestamp1642616981455
January 2022 Epic Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On 1/22/2022 the following change will be made to the Epic integration:(1) Fixed issue where device test failure reporting is not correct Previously when the device test procedure detected a camera or microphone failure, incorrect testtimestamp1638988000419
December 2021 Epic Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On 12/11/2021 the following change will be made to the Epic integration:(1) Fixed an issue where a patient joining a video visit does not show as connected in Epic When a patient joins and disconnects from a video visit before the providertimestamp1636045967808
October 2021 Epic Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On 11/7/2021 the following change will be made to the integration:(1) Zoom Room video visit meeting name changed Previously, Zoom Room video visits had a display name of “Zoom Video Visit ICU”. This has now been changed to "Zoom Room Videotimestamp1632343757717
September 2021 Epic FHIR Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
Epic FHIR is a new integration that is currently in beta. Functionally it is similar to the existing Epic integration but with some new features including support for OAuth authorization to Epic and shortened launch URLs to allow them to betimestamp1632341928367
9/26/2021 Epic Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
The following Epic integration change is planned to be available on 9/26/2021: Fix for missing camera, mic, or speaker incorrectly reported as “success” during a device test When performing the Zoom device test on a device that is missing a