almost 3 years agoMarch 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 3/26/2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration: Fix different meeting ID issue for the same video visit When a video visit ends and is restarted, a different Zoom meeting ID is used even though it is for the
about 3 years agoFebruary 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 3/4/2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:(1) Support different types of Epic provider IDs During patient and provider launches, the "encounter provider ID” and “user ID” can now be different types.
about 3 years agoJanuary 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 1/22/2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:(1) Meeting information added to notification records The Notification Records tab on the Epic FHIR configuration page has been renamed to Meeting Information, and
over 3 years agoDecember 2021 Epic FHIR Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 12/11/2021 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration which is currently in beta:(1) Fixed issue when users launch a video visit while a previous launch is in progress If users attempt to launch a video visit meeting
over 3 years agoOctober 2021 Epic FHIR Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanOn 11/7/2021 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration which is currently in beta:(1) New context token to better support SDK apps When initiating a meeting, users can provide a new token in the OAuth 2.0 context called