1/17/2021 Epic Integration Changes
The following Epic integration changes will be deployed on 1/17/2020:
(1) Patient accounts not deleted
Currently when a patient in a waiting room leaves before being admitted into the meeting, the Zoom account automatically created for the patient does not get automatically deleted. A fix will be made to remove the account after the patient leaves.
(2) Increase time to search notification records using CSN
Notifications records (provider/patient connected or disconnected) sent to Epic can be viewed by going to: Marketplace Epic listing -> Manage -> Configure -> Notification Records. They can be looked up based on a Zoom meeting ID up to 48 hours after the video visit. They can also be looked up using the Epic CSN up to 12 hours after the visit. This enhancement will increase the amount of time that records can be looked up using the Epic CSN from 12 hours to 48 hours.