10/18/2021 LTI Integration Updates
The following LTI integration changes are deployed on 10/17/2021.
1 . Multiple courses for Zoom Meetings - One meeting across multiple courses
Meetings are no longer limited to a single course
An existing meeting can be imported to another course by using the import meeting function
The meeting can be disassociated from any course without affecting the meeting list of other courses
Editing a meeting in one course changes the meeting for all courses it is associated with
Deleting a meeting in one course will delete it in all courses
Calendar and Conversations are created for each course
2 . Bug Fix
Fix for a user - an instructor in a course, they are getting instructor privileges in courses which they are enrolled as a student . The default role list should use the membership#Instructor role instead of just "Instructor" when a new LTI 1.3 credential is created.