The following Microsoft Teams integration changes were deployed on April 16, 2022:

1. Zoom Message Extension change

Previously, “Start a meeting”, “Schedule a meeting “and “Make a call” operations were available when clicking the icon. This has been changed to make the operations available through a pop-up. You can now also configure which operations will be available to users.

2. Using the Zoom Message Extension

  • Click the zoom icon in the Chat/group chat/channel. If the zoom bot is not yet in the conversation, a window to invite the zoom bot will pop up. Click “Invite” to add the bot.

  • Click “Meet” to launch a Zoom meeting. The Zoom client will be invoked through the browser and the meeting will start.

  • Click ‘Schedule” to schedule a Zoom meeting. A meeting message will be displayed in the current conversation.

  • Click “Phone” to initiate a phone call and click dial after choosing a number.

3. Enabling Zoom Phone features for Microsoft Teams

  1. Sign in to the Zoom App Marketplace as your Zoom account administrator.

  2. Click Manage.

  3. Select the Microsoft Teams app and choose Configure. The Zoom Marketplace will display the permissions page.
    Note: If Zoom does not display the permissions page, you need to remove and re-add the Microsoft Teams app.

  4. Click Enable.

  5. Log in to your Microsoft Teams account.

  6. Select Consent on behalf of your organization.

  7. Enable Phone, and save the changes.