January 2023 Epic FHIR Integration Changes
On January 8, 2023 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:
(1) Basic auth for customer network authorization
Customers wanting to validate messages from the Epic FHIR integration at their gateway/firewall before passing them into their network can now set up a custom basic auth header in the configuration page. Once enabled and set up, all messages from the Epic FHIR integration will carry a basic auth token using a customer defined header name
Structure of the header :
custom-header-name : Basic base64(username:password)
(2) Use logged-in user for video visit meeting
Currently when a provider launches a video visit, a “custCreate” user is created and used to start the video visit meeting. A new option is now available that would allow the provider to use their already existing Zoom user for the video visit. When enabled, providers will be required to be logged in to zoom.us. Once the user is already logged in, they will not be asked to login again. “custCreate” users will no longer be created for provider video visits.
To enable this feature, a new provider launch endpoint …/epicfhir/providerlaunchwithlogin is now supported. Customers must configure this new endpoint into their Epic FDI records used for provider launches instead of using the previous endpoint …/epicfhir/providerlaunch.