On November 5, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:

(1) New default Zoom app private key (Zoom Use Only for now)

Zoom is in the process of simplifying the integration setup and will be introducing a default auto-generated Zoom App private key. By using this default key, admins will no longer need to configure the private key themselves nor send the corresponding public key to Epic. Zoom is currently in the process of validating this feature with Epic. Customers should not yet use this feature.


(2) Non-admin access to notification records

The integration configuration will have a new ‘Healthcare Staff’ tab that admins can use to grant access to staff members so they can view the Epic FHIR notification records. Access is granted by configuring the staff member’s Zoom user email (users must be a Zoom user to access the notification records).

Granted staff members can use the link they receive via email to access the notification records which is used to view video visit meeting information. Staff members do not need to install the Epic FHIR app.

From the ‘Healthcare Staff’ tab, admins can delete users to revoke their access to the notifications records.