The following Epic integration changes are planned to be available on 5/2/2021 (deployment window scheduled for 5/1/2021 between 6pm and 8:30pm PDT).

(1) Fix for device test help URL failure

Currently when the device test help URL is clicked by a user performing the device test, the link fails to take the user to the configured help URL. This will be fixed in this release.

(2) Fix to allow device test to run more than once

Currently a device test can only be performed once for a scheduled meeting. Subsequent attempts will result in a failure. With this release, there is no longer a limit on the number of times the device test can be run.

(3) Fix to not report connection status for device tests

Currently when a user starts a device test, a connection status (connected) notification is sent to Epic. This turns on the “green light” which incorrectly indicates to providers that the patient has joined the scheduled meeting. In this release, reporting of connection status notifications for device tests will no longer happen.

(4) Fix to remove unsupported OAuth authorization option

Although the OAuth feature is not yet supported, there is an option to enable it in the integration configuration. This option will be removed. The plan for supporting OAuth authorization will now be to support it in a separate Zoom Marketplace app that is currently in development.