September 2021 Epic FHIR Integration Changes
Epic FHIR is a new integration that is currently in beta. Functionally it is similar to the existing Epic integration but with some new features including support for OAuth authorization to Epic and shortened launch URLs to allow them to be sent to patients via SMS.
On 9/19/2021 the following enhancements were added to the integration:
(1) Configuration Page Validation for URLs and for API Key and Secret
The input fields labeled “Epic FHIR R4 Base URL”, “Epic Telehealth Base URL”, “Epic OAuth Base URL”, “Epic Device Test Endpoint URL”, and “Healthcare Provider Device Test Help URL” will include real-time validation to ensure that the entered values are syntactically correct URLs. For example:
(2) Device Test Results Included In Notification Records
The notification page will include the results of device tests in addition to connect/disconnect events from normal video visits. The table on the page will introduce a new column called “Notification Type” which will be set to “Meeting” for meetings, and “Device Test” for device tests. The column “Connection Status” will be renamed to “Status”, and for device test notifications, the value of this column will be set to either “Passed” or “Failed” depending on if the device test was successful or unsuccessful, respectively.
(3) Provider Launches Now Support Users that Are Not Epic Practitioners
When launching a video visit as a provider, users will no longer need to specify “epicProviderId” as a token in the OAuth context. As long as they have an Epic user ID, this will be sufficient to launch the meeting even if they are not listed as a “practitioner” in the Epic database. In addition, users can now omit the “useProviderZoomAccount” token. If they wish to start a meeting using their own Zoom account, they may add a token called “email” and set its value to the email address associated with their account.
epicSessionId=%CSN%&epicUserId=%EPICUSERID;;; ; ;;NONE;%&firstName=%USERFNAME%&lastName=%USERLNAME%&email=<myEmailAddress>
If they wish to start a meeting using a Zoom account that is automatically generated, they may simply omit the “email” token.
epicSessionId=%CSN%&epicUserId=%EPICUSERID;;; ; ;;NONE;%&firstName=%USERFNAME%&lastName=%USERLNAME%