August 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On August 27, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration: Customizable Join Meeting Page Admins can now configure a custom message and logo for their patients to see when they join and wait for their provider in atimestamp1658620800000
July 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On July 25, 2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration: Issue using the same ID with different Provider ID types Previously, if provider A’s “provider ID” is the same as provider B’s “employee ID” (and provider Btimestamp1655322660000
June 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On June 25, 2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:(1) Meeting information records retrieved by CSN Users can now retrieve data in the Meeting Information page for meetings that are up to 7 days old (rathertimestamp1651874460000
April 2022 Microsoft Teams Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
The following Microsoft Teams integration changes were deployed on April 16, 2022: 1. Zoom Message Extension change Previously, “Start a meeting”, “Schedule a meeting “and “Make a call” operations were available when clicking the icon.timestamp1647988963599
March 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On 3/26/2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration: Fix different meeting ID issue for the same video visit When a video visit ends and is restarted, a different Zoom meeting ID is used even though it is for thetimestamp1644019140000
February 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On 3/4/2022 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:(1) Support different types of Epic provider IDs During patient and provider launches, the "encounter provider ID” and “user ID” can now be different types.timestamp1642618255390
January 2022 Epic FHIR Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On 1/22/2022 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration:(1) Meeting information added to notification records The Notification Records tab on the Epic FHIR configuration page has been renamed to Meeting Information, andtimestamp1638990180094
December 2021 Epic FHIR Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On 12/11/2021 the following changes will be made to the Epic FHIR integration which is currently in beta:(1) Fixed issue when users launch a video visit while a previous launch is in progress If users attempt to launch a video visit meetingtimestamp1636046310241
October 2021 Epic FHIR Integration Changes
by Eddie Soliman
On 11/7/2021 the following change will be made to the Epic FHIR integration which is currently in beta:(1) New context token to better support SDK apps When initiating a meeting, users can provide a new token in the OAuth 2.0 context called