timestamp1659023079746July 2022 LTI Integration Updatesby Sathiya PanneerThe following changes are available in LTI Pro as of 07/25/2022. New Features Three-legged Authentication approach for Schoology API’s Calendar integration for LTI 1.3 in Schoology courses and groups Bug Fix Minor bug fixes on the LTI PRO
timestamp1656341326054June 2022 LTI Integration Updatesby Sathiya PanneerThe following changes are available in LTI Pro as of 06/27/2022. New Features Ability to add Zoom Rooms when creating meetings within the LTI and have the meeting appear on the Zoom Room Controller. Display Time-limit reminder to basic plan
timestamp1654027361337May 2022 LTI Integration Updatesby Sathiya PanneerThe following changes are available in LTI Pro as of 05/27/2022. New Features Support for “ Allow host to save video order” option within LMS create meeting. Disable recordings within LTI Pro based on the Zoom web recording settings Added
timestamp1651874460000April 2022 Microsoft Teams Integration Changesby Eddie SolimanThe following Microsoft Teams integration changes were deployed on April 16, 2022: 1. Zoom Message Extension change Previously, “Start a meeting”, “Schedule a meeting “and “Make a call” operations were available when clicking the icon.
timestamp1646249452129February 2022 LTI Integration Updatesby Sathiya PanneerThe following changes will be available in LTI Pro on 03/05/2022. Schedule meeting to Zoom Room Ability to add Zoom Rooms when creating meetings within the LTI and have the meeting appear on the ZRC - in Beta. This feature is available only
timestamp1643064045449January 2022 LTI Integration Updatesby Sathiya PanneerThe following LTI integration changes are deployed on 01/21/2022. Support creation of 365 daily recurring meeting Currently, LTI can only create daily meetings up to 50 recurrences. With this change, up to 365 daily recurring meetings can
timestamp1638827717530November 2021 - LTI Integration Updatesby Sathiya PanneerThe November release for LTI Pro is available as of December 13, 2021. This release contains the following enhancements and bug fixes: Breakout Room Pre Assign Participant Suggestions (LTI 1.3 only) Participants can be suggested based on
timestamp1636397913805October 2021 - LTI Integration Updatesby Sathiya PanneerThe October release for LTI Pro is available as of November 6, 2021. This release contains the following enhancements. Breakout rooms can now be pre assigned when scheduling a meeting with LTI Pro. Breakout rooms and breakout room pre
timestamp163457556449410/18/2021 LTI Integration Updatesby Sathiya PanneerThe following LTI integration changes are deployed on 10/17/2021. 1 . Multiple courses for Zoom Meetings - One meeting across multiple courses Meetings are no longer limited to a single course An existing meeting can be imported to another